The concept of Compliance includes all reasonable measures that form the basis of the responsible behaviour of the Company and therefore of all its members, in accordance with both the legal provisions that the Company is required to comply with and the internal rules that it decides to set for itself.
The Ducati Management Committee – which was appointed by the Ducati Board of Directors on 19 July 2012 and which is composed of the CEO and other top Ducati managers – established the "Ducati Compliance Team", responsible for overseeing compliance in the Ducati Group.
Ducati is committed to providing its employees with a range of training activities on compliance and related obligations during their daily work. Compliance training is carried out through courses periodically organised for all the employees, during which they are given the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of the principles according to which the Company has decided to base its actions, with the aim of reinforcing the culture of compliance with these principles, as well as the company's integrity. The main topics discussed, which together constitute the basis of the company's integrity, are the following: labour law (e.g. fair treatment, mobbing), health and safety at work, data protection, antitrust laws, anti-corruption (offering or accepting bribes), product safety and product liability, sponsorships and donations, taxes and duties, environmental protection, competition laws.