Business & Human rights

Business & Human Rights

The protection and the enhancement of human rights have always constituted guiding principles of Ducati's business conduct. Conscious of the fact that the company, through its behaviour and its decisions, can have a significant influence on society, we carefully consider our role and we ensure that human rights are fully observed within the Ducati Group, in our relations with employees and business partners.

Ducati is convinced that sustainable economic operations are only possible by acting ethically and with integrity. Therefore, high regard and respect for human rights are a top priority in our company. We are fully committed to our responsibility for human rights in the context of our manufacturing and business operations. 

Health and safety at work, freedom of association and prohibition of child and forced labour are just a few examples of the human rights complex globally recognized. Ducati’s conduct has always been inspired by a series of principles that give value to the respect of these rights, giving them the utmost importance in the daily business. 

By continuously enhancing our processes and systems, and by means of forward-thinking action, we strive to claim a leading role in the motorcycle industry about corporate respect for human rights. Our Compliance Management System has thus adopted the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011), which set off corporate responsibility to respect, through their own economic activities, human rights.  

Ducati documents

Ducati’s commitment to the respect of “Business and Human Rights” is manifested in the following documents: 

Social Charta: Declaration by the Volkswagen Group on social rights, industrial relations and “business & human rights” (Declaration on Social Rights). This Declaration on Social Rights defined with the social partners stipulates the binding principles for the social and industrial relations, both internally and with its business partners. In addition, the Volkswagen Group, to which Ducati is part of, sets principles and targets as a component of its corporate responsibility, in particular the human rights duty of care. At the same time, the Declaration on Social Rights serves as a mission statement for the respect of human rights. 

Code of Conduct: it contains binding action guidelines for all Ducati’s employees, and it is the basis of the corporate Compliance Management System (CMS). It offers practical support and guidance in everyday work. The chapter, “Our responsibility as a member of society,” is dedicated to the topics of human rights, equal opportunity and equal treatment. All employees across the Ducati Group receive regular training on the Code of Conduct. 

Code of Conduct for Business Partners: in this document, the Ducati Group formulates its expectations for the attitude and behaviour of their business partners in their business activities. Human and labour rights are central requirements.

In our corporate context, we focus on the following human rights issues, on which Ducati’s conduct can have a significant impact. 


We work to ensure that good working conditions, as well as freedom of association and collective bargaining, are upheld within the Ducati Group. Serious breaches of human rights such as child or forced labour are unacceptable. On the topic of working conditions, we refer to our Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Business Partners as well as to our current Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015. 


Tolerant and non-discriminatory cooperation at work are fundamental to Ducati. We promote equal opportunities for all employees and value cultural diversity as well as mutual respect.


If a person’s safety is jeopardized, we react promptly, appropriately, and adequately. 


For reporting of potential violations concerning human rights, please refer to the Whistleblower System.

For queries on business & human rights matters, you can contact the Business and Human Rights Task Force by writing to

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