Fondazione Ducati Education


For education, the Ducati Foundation engages in the management of several programs: Physics in Motorcycles, DESI, Muner, UniBo and ITS Maker.

Fisica in Moto is the interactive physics educational laboratory dedicated to secondary school students, created by the Fondazione Ducati inside the Ducati factory in collaboration with the Liceo Malpighi of Bologna. 

The Lab offers a guided tour on mechanical physics: exploiting the appeal of Ducati motorcycles and the world of engines, Fisica in Moto aims to bring young people closer to the world of science by showing its beauty and relevance to reality, in a totally alternative way.

Guided by expert educational tutors, through specially designed and built interactive machines, students will experience the tangibleness of the physics principles studied in school and their link with the design of a motorcycle. The workshop proposes a course on the laws of dynamics for translations and rotations. The points of attack are the concepts of momentum and angular momentum thought of as physical quantities that are conserved.

The use of metaphorical-narrative language makes it possible to understand the phenomena observed in the lab, without the need for any special pre-existing knowledge. 

DESI (Dual Education System Italy) is a 2-year training program that combines classroom learning with practical experience in the field. Each year, students take part in a double alternating program: one month in the company and one month in school. Ducati works with schools to involve students in the 4th and 5th grade. During DESI, young students acquire skills in mechatronics and CNC (numerically controlled machines). These specialists of the future learn increasingly complex assembly procedures while observing and actively participating in production. The program offers unique opportunities to prepare students for the professional world with practical skills and a solid theoretical foundation.  

The Muner project, created and developed by the region (in 2017), is the result of the synergy between four Italian universities (Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Parma) and the main automotive companies in the Motor Valley, including Ducati. Muner's goal is to train future industry professionals capable of designing road and racing vehicles, sustainable propulsion systems and 4.0 plants, creating a virtuous circle that feeds the motor industry supply chain, the beating heart of the regional economy.

Muner offers 3 customized degree programs with 9 specialization addresses, incorporating preparatory subjects for engineers who wish to work in the automotive field. The courses of study are purpose-built, with mandatory engineering courses and choice supplements geared toward engineers joining Ducati. Among the addresses of one of the three Degree Courses is one, Advanced Motorcycle Engineering, specifically designed to train future experts in the design and construction of high-performance motorcycles.

Since 2009 , UniBo Motorsport has participated in various Formula SAE events and, since 2018, has also been involved in MotoStudent competitions. These events allow the team to compete internationally with other universities around the world. The synergy between students and engineers from Ducati, the main partner of the project through the Ducati Foundation, has led to outstanding results, such as the recent victory in the Electric category of MotoStudent 2023. This link between the academic world and industry creates unique opportunities for mutual growth and stimulates innovation in the field of two- and four-wheel racing, and providing a pool of talents to build upon and to strengthen our staff.

ITS MAKER ACADEMY is a higher technical institute offering two-year post-diploma courses. In collaboration with Ducati and other major companies, ITS MAKER trains more than 40 future automotive and motor industry professionals with technical skills that are in high demand in the job market. Customized courses prepare students for the challenges of the industry, providing them with high-level technical skills. ITS MAKER is a bridge between education and the world of work, creating unique opportunities for young talent.

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