1946 - 1960

Ducati gets Italy back on the road

Italy was reborn in the years of post-war reconstruction. The economic boom benefited all sectors, with an unprecedented expansion of production and technological development. The increase in employment and incomes stimulated a new propensity to consume. Lifestyles and habits of Italians changed, and the need for mobility was one of the first to be met by the growing affluence.

In the immediate post-war period, micro-engines that could be mounted on any bicycle were perfect for emergency motorisation. The Ducati Cucciolo becomes a social phenomenon, bringing together a country that needed to move and meet.

With the mass motorisation of the 1950s light motorcycles and scooters carried Italians to the factory or shops. But the success of motorcycle street races inspired a desire for speed, more than just a cheap, reliable means of transportation.


Giuseppe Montano

Giuseppe Montano is mentioned for his authoritative management style, for the strategic changes he implemented, and, above all, for hiring the man who revolutionized Ducati Meccanica: Fabio Taglioni. LEGGI DI PIÙ

Giorgio Monetti

Giorgio Monetti became part of Ducati's history especially thanks to the "World Tour", an extraordinary and pioneering journey that he accomplished, together with his friend Tartarini, on the roads of all continents. READ MORE

Leopoldo Tartarini

Leopoldo Tartarini was born in Bologna on the 10th of August 1932, in a family in which motorcycles have always had a special consideration. His father competed with various brands including Frera and Guzzi, of which he was a dealer for many years, before moving with his son to Ducati. READ MORE

Franco Farnè

Franco Farné is a name that has accompanied Ducati and all of its motorcycles for the past 50 years. When Fabio Taglioni arrived and revolutionised Ducati’s technique, Farné had already professionally raced the Cucciolo and was working as a mechanic in the factory. READ MORE

Fabio Taglioni

For almost forty years, Fabio Taglioni has been the inspiring and propelling force behind the extraordinary success of Ducati motorcycles on circuits and roads throughout the world. READ MORE

Mario Recchia

Mario Recchia was one of the most famous Ducati mechanics and riders. An interview reports the stories of his years at the Borgo Panigale factory. READ MORE

Gianni Degli Antoni

Gianni Degli Antoni, a rider from Modena, was hired by Ducati for the 1955 Motogiro. The victories achieved in endurance races allowed Degli Antoni to become the reference rider of the new Ducati team. READ MORE  

Bruno Spaggiari

Since his youth Bruno Spaggiari aspired to a "lively" life. When he first saw a motorcycle competition he decided to become a racing rider. READ MORE

Mike Hailwood

Mike Hailwood was perhaps the greatest rider of all time. His father, Stan Hailwood, was very rich and his first fan, by providing him with everything he needed to race motorcycles. READ MORE

The bikes that have made history

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