Governance, Risk
e Compliance

A company that's attentive to the rules

Ducati not only produces and distributes high quality products, but does so in a way that reflects the will of the Company and its subsidiaries to conduct sales activities in full compliance with applicable laws, being guided by integrity and honesty, within the broader framework of the expectations of the entire Audi and Volkswagen Group to which it belongs. 

The Ducati Ethical Rules and the Organisation and Management Model, adopted pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, already prescribe the company's principles and values. Furthermore: Ducati expects similar conduct from all third parties with which it comes into contact in business relations, especially its suppliers, particularly in matters like human rights, health and safety in the workplace, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. 

The Volkswagen Group Essentials represent a promise to our customers, stakeholders, business partners and ourselves: they describe what the Group represents for all brands, companies and countries. They are also the foundation of Ducati's corporate culture. 


Governance expresses the rules and processes with which decisions are made in the company, how company objectives are decided, as well as the means for achieving and measuring the results achieved.

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Risk Management

Risk Management protects and increases the value of the Company for the benefit of its stakeholders. Every action undertaken in the field of Risk Management therefore has the purpose of supporting the company's objectives.

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The concept of Compliance includes all reasonable measures that form the basis of the responsible behaviour of the Company and therefore of all its members, in accordance with both the legal provisions that the Company is required to comply with and the internal rules that it decides to set for itself.

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Ducati Motor Holding Antitrust Guidelines

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Annual Report of the Volkswagen Group - 2020

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Sustainability Report of the Volkswagen Group - 2020

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Audi combined annual and sustainability report – 2021

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