Team UniBo Motorsport and Ducati celebrate victory in the 2023 MotoStudent competition

Ducati celebrates the extraordinary victory of the University of Bologna racing team in the Electric category of the MotoStudent 2023 competition, held from 11 to 15 October at the MotorLand Aragón international circuit in Spain.

The triumph of the UniBo Motorsport Team replicates the success of the last edition and is a result that fills the Borgo Panigale manufacturer, the main partner of the project through the Fondazione Ducati, with satisfaction. The electric propulsion racing prototype that won the MotoStudent International Competition was designed and built thanks to the constructive collaboration between the young students of the UniBo Motorsport team and the engineers of the Borgo Panigale motorcycle manufacturer.

To celebrate the result, on the morning of Monday 20 November Ducati wanted to invite to the Borgo Panigale headquarters all the students who actively contributed to reaching the top step of the podium. The celebratory event was held at the Ducati Auditorium and saw the participation of Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati, together with various personalities from the University of Bologna, including Giovanni Molari, Magnificent Rector of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and Nicolò Cavina , Faculty Advisor of the UniBo Motorsport team. Together they underlined the value of the link between the worlds of industry and academia, which leads to the creation of unique opportunities for collaboration and mutual growth between the two worlds.

Claudio Domenicali, Ducati CEO and President of the Ducati Foundation: “It is with great enthusiasm that I express my congratulations to the UniBo Motorsport team for the second consecutive victory in the MotoStudent project. Through this precious collaboration with the University of Bologna, we are proud to be able to support the professional growth of these young emerging talents. They are the ones who embody the very essence of innovation, determination and passion, fundamental characteristics to be able to face the increasingly stimulating challenges that the future holds for us. Our commitment as the Fondazione Ducati, in fact, not only aims to preserve the rich heritage of expertise linked to mechanical engineering, aerodynamics and Made in Italy design, but above all to inspire future generations of professionals, passing on to them the innovative approach that characterizes our tradition. This project in particular combines the consolidated experience of Ducati engineers with the energy and enthusiasm of the young students who aspire to establish themselves in this sector, creating a synergy that stimulates mutual inspirations, emerging ideas and new perspectives in the field."

Giovanni Molari, Magnificent Rector of Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna: “There is great satisfaction for the successes of the MotoStudent project: a journey that started in 2018 with the title of best rookie team and third place overall and continued with first place overall in both 2021 and 2023, triumphing in particular this year. Achievements that arise thanks to the total synergy and collaboration between Alma Mater and Ducati, in the wake of a relationship established for decades in research and development. Many students who had the opportunity to participate in the project are now part of the Ducati reality, first and foremost in the new department related to electrification, demonstrating how virtuous the exchange between University and company can be. And there are many activities already planned for the future: the new projects launched for next year in the MotoStudent and Formula Student areas will not only serve to further consolidate and expand the partnership, but above all will be fundamental in providing our students with additional educational opportunities.”

The tangible expression of excellence deriving from the collaboration between Ducati and the University of Bologna takes shape in Nemesi, the most recent evolution of the electric prototype developed by the UniBo Motorsport team. This model features significant improvements to the previous version, that of 2021. The most significant innovations include the adoption of a chassis entirely made of carbon fibre, which houses an internally produced battery pack, limited by regulation to 126 V of maximum voltage.

The geometries of Nemesi follow the typical canons of a pre-Moto3 category bike, and the power involved reaches a peak of 48 kW, provided by a standard electric motor for all teams. In addition to the engine, other essential components were supplied by the organization itself, including Dunlop tyres, brake calipers and an Insulation Monitoring Device (IMD). Everything else about the prototype, including design, development and putting it on the track, was entirely the work of the Bologna university team.

The overall evaluation of the competition which led to the drafting of the final classification was made based on design, innovative and economic-financial aspects divided into two fundamental phases: MS1 and MS2.

The initial phase, MS1, involved a detailed analysis of the “Business Plan and Industrial Production” and the “Design and Innovation”. In this phase, the team from Bologna demonstrated an excellent ability to combine a solid and coherent business plan with a distinctive sense of aesthetic creativity, winning first place in all evaluation categories: Best Design, Best Innovation and Best Project.

The MS2 phase represented a crucial test bed, where the motorcycle was subjected to a series of dynamic tests aimed at ensuring its safety and functionality in riding conditions. This phase culminated in the FIM international university race, held at the FIM Road Racing Circuit in MotorLand Aragon on 15 October. During the event, Nemesi asserted its superiority by first conquering the pole position in qualifying and, subsequently, first position in the 6-lap race, covering a total distance of 30.5 km.

The main objective of the MotoStudent International Competition is to stimulate new challenges in the field of research and innovation, offering a unique experience in which students can test their engineering, creative and collaborative skills in a highly competitive and specialized environment, which this year saw the participation of 25 teams from 4 different continents.

As part of this project, the teamwork between the students at the University of Bologna and Ducati represents an essential combination of technical support, constructive interaction and exchange of know-how, allowing the young engineers to be supported in the implementation of the own skills. The initiative not only appears as an opportunity for academic growth, but also and above all as a launching pad for those interested in pursuing a career in the motorcycle racing industry and engineering.

Furthermore, Ducati and the University of Bologna are both founding members of a unique reality, the Motor Valley University of Emilia-Romagna (MUNER), which with its excellent training program attracts the best students from all over the world to the region with the aim of training and introducing tomorrow's engineers into the world of work.

And still in the field of education, the Fondazione Ducati stands out through the management of innovative learning programs. These include Fisica in Moto, the interactive physics teaching laboratory created inside the historic Ducati factory in Borgo Panigale and dedicated to students of first and second level secondary schools and DESI (Dual Education System), the two-year training course which combines school education with practical training in the company.

For more information on the activities of the Fondazione Ducati related to the subject of education and developed in collaboration with the world of schools, universities and research, you can consult the dedicated page of the Ducati website.

To find out more about Team UniBo Motorsport and stay updated on their activities, official Instagram and Linkedin profiles can be visited.