Rob and his Monster 1100

So what’s its superpower? It's simply invincible!

"My love for the Monster was sparked when I saw an image in a magazine twenty-five years ago, it's still alive today and it is shared with many other Monsterista friends from all over England. This because I have the honour of being the president of the Monster Owners Club of London. The Monster is a motorcycle with a very special superpower: it's invincible, because you can do anything with it! You can have fun with it going out on a Sunday with your girlfriend, you can keep it perfectly original, or you can customise it however you want without it ever losing its essence.

My Monster and I have shared 117,000 kilometres of road throughout Europe and many of these were travelled to reach get-togethers of Ducatistas, like the trip from London to Misano to take part in World Ducati Week. Madness? No, just passion. Because if you don't live with passion you can't be a Monsterista."