Joao and his Monster S4R

So what’s its superpower? An indomitable spirit, just like me!

"It didn't take long to fall in love with the Monster: from the first time I started it the feeling was total, something I'd never felt before with any other bike. Its unique personality associated with the pleasure of riding it did the rest: it's my first love and will stay with me forever.

I'm not sure it can be called a superpower but my Monster resembles me, it has an indomitable spirit and is able to make me feel invincible thanks to the sensations it conveys to me. But love can't be love if it's not shared, so for this reason I don't miss a single event with all my friends at DOC Portugal: Ducatistas like me, ambassadors of red passion on the roads of our country and that, once again this year, will not miss World Ducati Week 2018. See you in Misano!"