Donatella and her Monster 600

"The Monster is a motorcycle that breaks the rules. Just like me."

The Monster came into my life in 1999, when I was 18, thanks to my boyfriend at the time. My father had always told me: no boys with tattoos, piercings and motorcycles. And I found a guy with tattoos, piercings and a Monster, and we dated in secret. I fell in love with that bike as soon as I got on it, as a passenger, for the first time.

Then I married that guy and that bike became mine. I am so attached to it that I've customised it, and I even rode it to church on my wedding day. 

The sound of its engine speaks to me: every time I start it up it recounts my whole life since I was 19 years old. It accompanied me on a wonderful trip to Corsica along with other friends on their Ducatis: four days of rain on dirt roads that I didn't think I could get through. But I did it and had a lot of fun.