Air protection and quality in DMH

Air protection and quality meet Ducati's environmental objectives as stated in its Environmental Mission. To this end, appropriate self-checks are carried out to monitor the atmospheric emissions of various pollutants (such as Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC, carbon monoxide - CO and nitrogen oxides - NOx) produced by specific processes linked to both production than to R&D activities. In addition, to reduce the CO₂ produced by the consumption of electricity, a trigeneration plant was installed in 2016 (more details in the in-depth analysis available below).

The results obtained are evaluated annually with two KPIs, parameterized on the number of motorcycles produced in the year:

  • CO₂ emissions [kg of CO₂/motorbikes], produced by the use of electricity, methane gas and gasoline (including that for sports competitions)
  • VOC emissions [kg of VOC/motorbikes], produced by specific processes  

The comparison between the data for 2023 and 2024 shows a positive trend and therefore a reduction in the value of the KPIs.

2024 vs 2023



CO emissions [kg/motorbikes]




VOC emissions [kg/motorbikes]




CO emissions [kg/motorbikes]

2024 vs 2023






VOC emissions [kg/motorbikes]

2024 vs 2023






Trigeneration plant

In order to produce energy more efficiently than traditional systems, in early 2016 Ducati set up a trigeneration plant inside its facilities, a system that uses a single fuel (methane gas) and two endothermic motors to simultaneously generate electrical, heating and cooling energy. 

The electricity produced by the plant in 2024 accounted for 80% of the facility's total electricity requirements. The remaining electricity needed, comes entirely from renewable sources and is purchased from the grid.

This has enabled Ducati to significantly reduce CO₂ production, avoiding the emission of 11.973 tonnes from 2016 to the present (*).

For more information, the table below shows the most significant data relating to the trigeneration plant:

(*) Data as at 31/12/2024

11.973 t of CO₂ avoided equals:

5.009 toe(**)
(**)tonnes of oil equivalent

1.846 ha of forests

23.592 NY-Rome flights

11.973 t of CO₂ avoided equals:

5.009 toe(**)
(**)tonnes of oil equivalent

1.846 ha of forests

23.592 NY-Rome flights

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