Ducati Financial Services: Flexible Financing Options | Ducati USA
Own the Road

Ducati Financial Services

There’s a Ducati waiting for you. With multiple financing options available from Ducati Financial services, it has never been easier to put a Ducati in your driveway. We are here to help you decide which option best fits your lifestyle, so you can enjoy the exciting sophistication of riding a legendary driving machine.
Types of Financing

Ride Your Way.

From traditional financing to our exclusive Ducati Premier Financing, Ducati Financial Services offers a wide range of options and flexible terms. Regardless of which path you choose, you have the ability to include parts, accessories, clothing, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection plans in your financing¹.

Traditional Financing²
Premier Financing³
Equal monthly installments that will fully pay off the financed amount at the end of the term
Enjoy lower monthly payments than traditional financing1 by paying down a portion of the amount financed with a final balloon payment due at the end
Wide range of repayment terms and options
Wide Range of repayment terms and options
Available on new and used Ducati motorcycles
Only available on new Ducati motorcycles
At the end of your traditional financing term, you own the motorcycle outright.
At the end of your Premier finance term, either pay the final balloon payment to buy your bike or you may be able to trade your Ducati in⁴ for a new model
Ability to include parts, accessories, clothing, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection¹ into the financing
Ability to include parts, accessories, clothing, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection¹ into the financing
Traditional Financing²
Premier Financing³
Equal monthly installments that will fully pay off the financed amount at the end of the term
Enjoy lower monthly payments than traditional financing1 by paying down a portion of the amount financed with a final balloon payment due at the end
Wide range of repayment terms and options
Wide Range of repayment terms and options
Available on new and used Ducati motorcycles
Only available on new Ducati motorcycles
At the end of your traditional financing term, you own the motorcycle outright.
At the end of your Premier finance term, either pay the final balloon payment to buy your bike or you may be able to trade your Ducati in⁴ for a new model
Ability to include parts, accessories, clothing, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection¹ into the financing
Ability to include parts, accessories, clothing, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection¹ into the financing
Ducati Premier Financing

Anyone can give you a good reason to finance with them – we can give you six.

Ducati Premier Financing makes it possible for you to own a new Ducati motorcycle with flexible financing terms.³ Enjoy lower monthly payments than traditional financing with a final balloon payment due at the end, and modify and customize your motorcycle as you see fit. At the end of the contract, own it outright by making the final balloon payment or you may be able to trade it in for a new model – the choice is yours. The only tough decision you’ll have to make is where to ride next.

1. Lower monthly payments than traditional financing³
2. No restrictions on modifying or customizing the bike
3. Wide range of repayment terms and options
4. At the end of your term, pay off your Ducati or you may be able to trade it in for a new model⁴
5. No restrictions on mileage or excess wear and tear
6. Parts, accessories, merchandise, and Ducati Ever Red Protection¹ may be rolled into financing

General Correspondence
Phone Payments
Mail Payments
(855) 938-2284
(855) 9-DUCATI
(855) 938-2284
(855) 9-DUCATI
Ducati Financial Services
P.O. Box 5215
Carol Stream, IL 60197-5215
General Correspondence
Phone Payments
Mail Payments
(855) 938-2284
(855) 9-DUCATI
(855) 938-2284
(855) 9-DUCATI
Ducati Financial Services
P.O. Box 5215
Carol Stream, IL 60197-5215
Key Offer Details

1. The purchase of Ducati Ever Red is optional and is not required for you to obtain financing for the purchase of a motorcycle. All transactions related to the optional Ducati Ever Red program are governed solely by the provisions of the your Agreement.

2. Financing options are subject to credit approval by Ducati Financial Services through participating dealerships.

3. Not available in all states. For highly qualified customers through Ducati Financial Services. See your Ducati Dealer for financing details.

4. Trade in acceptance and evaluation will be at the sole discretion of your Ducati dealer. Modifications or wear and tear may impact trade in value.

VW Credit, Inc. (dba Ducati Financial Services) is a servicer for VCI Loan Services, LLC. 
© 2021 VW Credit, Inc. dba Ducati Financial Services