Panigale V4 R

da CHF 45´690
da CHF 459 al mese* i
240.5 hp.
16.500 rpm.
This is Racing

La nuova Panigale V4 R adotta soluzioni tecnologiche finora riservate a MotoGP e Superbike: il modello di serie più vicino alle moto da competizione di sempre.

Il nuovo Desmosedici Stradale R in configurazione racing con olio performance*** fornisce 240,5 CV a 15.500 giri e conferma il limitatore (in sesta marcia) a 16.500: numeri davvero straordinari per una moto in produzione di serie.

Configurazione standard

Panigale V4 R con kit rimozione specchi e porta targa inclusi nell’equipaggiamento standard.
  • Ducati Red

Configurazione Racing

Panigale V4 R con scarico racing completo in titanio e cover frizione aperta in carbonio, non inclusi nell’equipaggiamento standard, ma disponibili come accessori Ducati Performance.***
  • Ducati Red

Pure racing spirit

La versione stradale della Panigale V4 R SBK compie una significativa evoluzione aggiornandosi in tutte le aree per essere ancora più veloce in pista e ancora più orientata alle corse. 

olio ducati corse

Olio sviluppato da Shell in collaborazione con Ducati Corse

L’olio prestazionale** si basa sull’utilizzo di additivi di tipo racing, e con la combinazione di scarico racing e olio Ducati Corse, la potenza massima della Panigale V4 R può raggiungere lo straordinario valore di 240,5 CV.
Tecnologia racing

La nuova Panigale V4 R adotta soluzioni tecniche finora riservate a MotoGP e Superbike, come le bielle in titanio “gun drilled” e i pistoni con trattamento superficiale DLC. 

Gli altri interventi coinvolgono pistoni con nuova geometria, un profilo delle camme di aspirazione più aggressivo, l'adozione della stessa rapportatura del cambio utilizzata dalle moto che competono nel Mondiale Superbike, e di una nuova frizione a secco più leggera

La maggior efficacia nell’uso in circuito viene ottenuta anche grazie alle evoluzioni elettroniche, come l’ampliamento e l’evoluzione dei Power Mode, la nuova visualizzazione Track Evo sul dashboard, le mappe motore con taratura dedicata ad ogni singola marcia, gli affinamenti al DTC e al sistema acceleratore Ride By Wire, ma anche l’Engine Brake Control EVO 2, la nuova strategia per il DQS e l’aggiornamento del controllo della ventola di raffreddamento.  

La Panigale V4 R adotta anche un nuovo comando acceleratore che migliora il feeling del pilota in fase di apertura e gestione del gas.

Evolution of the 998 cc Desmosedici Stradale R Evo

The engine retains its top speed of 16,500 rpm in sixth gear, an unparalleled value in the supersport range of similar displacement, limiting the power loss to only 3 hp (218 hp at 15,500 rpm) despite the new Euro-5 homologation. By fitting the non-homologated racing exhaust, it is possible to take full advantage of all the upgrades made to the engine, and the maximum power figure can even reach 237 hp.

For the first time on a road bike, titanium connecting rods of the "gun drilled" type are used, that is, drilled longitudinally along the shaft (1.6 mm diameter hole). This solution, by allowing oil to flow from the head to the connecting rod foot, improves pin lubrication and thus reliability under extreme conditions. 

Aluminium pistons with DLC treatment

The pistons of the Desmosedici Stradale R have a skirt characterized by DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) surface treatment, a solution used in MotoGP and Formula 1 racing competition, which reduces friction between piston and liner and which is applied for the first time on a road engine. The pistons also have a new geometry that makes them 5 grams lighter (equal to 2% of their weight) thus reducing the forces of inertia, to the benefit of reliability.

New piston geometry

The pistons also have a new geometry that makes them 5 grams lighter (equal to 2% of their weight) thus reducing the forces of inertia, to the benefit of reliability.

Gearbox with SBK ratios

The gear ratio is the same as that used by bikes competing in World Superbike, with the lengthening of first (+11.6%) second (5.6%) and sixth gears (1.8). First gear then becomes usable in more corners of each circuit, offering the benefits of more engine braking on braking and better acceleration on exit. In addition, the smaller jump between first and second allows the DQS to work more effectively. 

"Gun Drilled" connecting rods

For the first time on a road bike, “gun drilled” titanium connecting rods are used, which are drilled longitudinally along the rod (1.6 mm diameter hole). This solution, allowing the passage of oil from the head to the small end, improves lubrication and reliability in extreme conditions.


The four camshafts of the Desmosedici Stradale R engine have dedicated profiles that realize higher lift-offs than on the Desmosedici Stradale and move the sixteen valves with sizes of 34 mm in diameter for the titanium intake valves and 27.5 mm in diameter for the steel exhaust valves. The valves have titanium half-cones, a solution usually used only in competition engines. 

New Info Mode "Track Evo"

In the "Track Evo" screen, the tachometer moves on a horizontal scale positioned in the highest part of the display, that is the most visible and the indication of the gear engaged is in the centre of the screen. In the right area of ​​the display there are four different coloured sectors, each dedicated to an electronic control (DTC, DWC, DSC, EBC). These sectors light up individually when the electronics are working on a certain parameter, remaining on for the time necessary for the rider to identify which indicator is activated. This signalling mode makes it easier for the rider to understand the control that has actually worked to allow him to intervene more precisely and punctually on the choice of optimal level and to obtain better performance more quickly. The left sector completes the information with chronometer, number of laps completed and speed.

New Engine Brake Control EVO 2 Software

To improve stability, precision and directionality in braking and corner entry phases and allow the rider to define more precisely the best electronic engine configuration on each circuit, the Panigale V4 R '23 also adopts the Engine Brake Control (EBC) EVO 2. This electronic engine brake management system features a different gear-by-gear calibration on each of the three selectable levels. The strategy was developed to optimize the intensity of the engine brake as a function of the load on the rear axle. 

New Ducati Quick Shift Strategy

In partialized throttle shifting, the strategy acts both by means of an injection cut of the previous strategy and with a reduction in advance, making the action smoother in road use thanks to the absence of engine shutdowns and re-starts.

In fully open throttle shifting, typical of track use, the DQS strategy is refined with an evolution of the torque restitution phase that guarantees more stability to the bike and a more homogeneous and therefore more profitable drive in the lap time.

New cooling fan strategy

In addition to these changes, there is also an update of the cooling fan control strategy, now able to offer better management of operating temperatures while also reducing the accumulation of heat typical of the conclusion of track sessions. Furthermore, this strategy guarantees greater thermal comfort for the rider at the typical speeds of road use.

New Power Mode Strategy

There are four engine strategies: Full, High, Medium, Low. Full and Low are newly designed, while the High and Medium configurations have been revised. 

Full Power Mode allows the engine to express its full potential with torque curves without electronic filters, except for first gear. For the Medium and High Power Modes, a new Ride by Wire map management system has been developed with dedicated calibration for each of the six gears, which ensures the rider always obtains optimum drive every time the throttle is opened. The Low Power Mode, on the other hand, has been designed for riding on the road or for low-grip surfaces, limiting the maximum power of the bike to 160 hp and offering a particularly manageable throttle response.

Öhlins long excursion fork

At the front, the Öhlins NPX25/30 pressurized fork increases its travel by 5 mm compared to the previous "R". This technical solution, combined with an Öhlins TTX36 shock absorber whose centre distance goes from 312 to 316 mm and a standard adjustment of the swingarm pivot to the +1 position, increases the rear height by 20 mm. In this way, a higher centre of gravity is achieved and therefore greater nimbleness in corner entry and changes of direction.

New Öhlins TTX36 shock absorber

The adoption of a less rigid spring for the shock absorber (from 105 N/mm to 80 N/mm) and a lower ground load on the front due to the lengthening of the fork travel, as well as improving the ability to "copy” the asphalt accentuates load transfers by exploiting the greater negative travel of the suspension, increasing grip and feeling when entering corners 

Adjustable rear swingarm pivot height adjustable

The Panigale V4 R continues with the layout based on the “Front Frame” and single-sided aluminium swingarm of the Ducati Panigale family. It is possible to adjust the height of the rear swingarm pivot in 4 positions in 2 mm steps. 

The position of the swingarm pivot accentuates the anti-squat effect by improving stability, precision and ability to maintain the trajectory when coming out of corners.

Shock absorber with preload adjuster

To speed and simplify calibration, the rear shock absorber is equipped with hydraulic preload adjuster.  

New ergonomics

The superstructures of the Ducati supersports bike have also been updated, with the adoption of a brushed aluminium tank with a capacity increased to 17 litres and a profile that offers better support for the rider's arms and legs when braking and when cornering. The changes to the tank are added to a flatter saddle, with a reduced amount of foam and with a different covering, which on the one hand guarantees greater freedom of longitudinal movement, and on the other helps the rider to become more stable when necessary.

New Wings

On the Panigale V4 R 2023 the aerodynamic package has also been revised with a view to greater efficiency: the new two-element wings (main + flap) guarantee the same aerodynamic load, but are more compact and thinner (respectively by 40% and 50%). 

New lower fairings

To improve the cooling of the engine, stabilizing its performance in extreme use on the circuit, the fairing has been modified in the layout of the extractors in the lower area, and complies with the World Superbike Championship regulations. Also in the lower part, on the left side, there is an air intake to cool the sensor of the Ducati Quick Shift.

Desmosedici Stradale V4 a 90°, albero motore controrotante, distribuzione Desmodromica 4 valvole per cilindro, raffreddamento a liquido
998 cc
160,4 kW (218 cv) @ 15.500 rpm
174 kW (237 cv) @ 15.500 rpm con scarico racing completo*
111,3 Nm (11,3 kgm) @ 12.000 rpm
118 Nm (12 kgm) @ 12.250 rpm con scarico racing completo*
scheda tecnica
Nuovo setup elettronico

All’interno dei riding mode, è stata adottata la nuova logica dei Power Mode con calibrazioni dedicate al motore Desmosedici Stradale R. Le strategie motore sono quattro: Full, High, Medium, Low. 

Full e Low sono di nuova concezione, mentre High e Medium sono state riviste.

Potenza a prima vista

Ogni dettaglio è stato pensato e progettato per esaltare la sensazione di puro spirito racing della moto.

Configura la tua
Panigale V4 R

Scopri la gamma di accessori Ducati Performance e affina l’anima sportiva della tua Panigale V4 R.

configura ora
configura ora
Il circuito. Il suo habitat naturale.

Ancora più veloce. Ancora più racing. L’anima da pista della nuova Panigale V4 R la rende la moto perfetta per le tue giornate in circuito. La nuova livrea è ispirata alla MotoGP nella grafica e trasmette lo spirito racing sin dal primo sguardo, integrando tabelle portanumero bianche con il numero “1” in evidenza.  

Una combinazione magica di bellezza e tecnologia

Scopri la gamma di accessori Ducati Performance pensati per esaltare il look e le prestazioni della tua nuova Panigale V4 R.  

Cerchi in magnesio

I cerchi in magnesio garantiscono un risparmio di 0,7 kg (- 10%) rispetto ai già leggerissimi cerchi forgiati di primo equipaggiamento, migliorando tutti gli aspetti della dinamica e soprattutto l’agilità in inserimento e nei cambi di direzione.

Pedane regolabili in alluminio

Per adattare al meglio la posizione di guida è possibile adottare le pedane pilota regolabili in alluminio, sviluppate da Ducati Corse in collaborazione con Rizoma.

Olio Shell sviluppato in collaborazione con Ducati Corse

Per migliorare le prestazioni nell’uso in circuito, Ducati propone un olio racing** sviluppato in collaborazione con Shell.

Abbigliamento racing

Tutto per raggiungere i livelli più alti nelle tue performance in pista. Completa il tuo look racing con l’abbigliamento perfetto per le tue corse.

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scopri di più

**I tempi e la disponibilità del prodotto possono variare a seconda del paese.

***I costi di montaggio sono esclusi

Contatta Concessionario

Contatta il concessionario più vicino a te per avere maggiori informazioni sulla nuova Panigale V4 R.

contatta concessionario

*Esempio di leasing : prezzo di catalogo CHF 45690.-, prezzo di vendita consigliato dopo tutti gli sconti CHF 45690.–, anticipo CHF 9318.- , rata leasing mensile CHF 459.– (IVA incl.), valore di riscatto CHF 19916, tasso di interesse annuo effettivo 5.07%. Durata del leasing 48 mesi, percorrenza 4 000 km/anno. Condizioni di leasing con riserva di accettazione da parte di Santander Consumer Finance Schweiz AG, Schlieren. Assicurazione casco totale obbligatoria non inclusa. La stipulazione di un contratto di leasing non è ammessa se provoca il sovra indebitamento del cliente. Offerta valida fino alla cancellazione.

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