Desmo Owners Clubs, a passion to be lived and shared.

All the beautiful in entering the great D.O.C. family.
A unique community, made up of passionate people united by the same pride and the same longing to live and share the Ducati experience.

When something kindles your enthusiasm, you would like to share it right away. This is the reason why the Desmo Owners Clubs exist: a worldwide community made up of those who, like you, know more than well the emotions you feel on the saddle of your Ducati. This is an extraordinary family, with which to live new riding, travelling and amusement experiences – and an exchange of knowledge, advice, and occasions for staying together, participating in Ducati events and discovering your and new territories – these are some of the opportunities offered by being a member of a Desmo Owners Club.

Thanks to your D.O.C. you will have access to events and initiatives that deeply enrich your experience as a Ducatista from every point of view: improving your driving capability, having a really in-depth knowledge of your Ducati and its history, living the most significant Ducati initiatives as a protagonist. These are precious opportunities, that make you a 360-degree Ducatista; because the Ducati world is made of passion, identity and wish to express oneself: all elements you can find in the initiatives that embody the deep values of the Ducati brand – whether this is a rally of Ducatisti or meeting new travel mates, the World Ducati Week or the emotions of a Grand Prix to be lived together. Because a passion is even more pleasant if it is shared. And it is even more intense within the Desmo Owners Clubs’ family.

If in your area there is no D.O.C., you can found one and become an ambassador of the Ducati spirit in your territory to put together those who, like yourself, share the emotions that only the firm from Bologna can give.

If you have chosen Ducati you have already entered a world made of value and passion. With Desmo Owners Club you can finally live it at its best – and in the best company.

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