Become part of the Ducati Official Club


Becoming part of the D.O.C. world is the beginning of a great adventure.

It means expressing your passion for motorcycles and the Reds of Borgo Panigale through numerous adventures and benefits designed just for you.

If you want to become member, find the nearest D.O.C. and fill in the application form via MyDucati or contact the D.O.C. directly for more information.

No clubs in your area? Would you like to create a new D.O.C.? Follow these steps:

  1. Check the D.O.C. regulation.
  2. Get in touch with the official Ducati dealer in your area. Cooperation with a dealer is a fundamental requirement.
  3. Send an email to indicating:
  • Club name
  • Reference dealer
  • President Name
  • President and Club e-mail
  • Country
  • City
  • Club address
  • Phone
  • Tell us about your club and why you want to become a DOC
  • Club name
  • Reference dealer
  • President Name
  • President e-mail
  • Country
  • City
  • Phone
  • Tell us about your club and why you want to become a DOC
Show your passion

From the moment you join the club you'll start enjoying a wealth of privileges designed just for you.

You'll get your DOC card, dedicated pin and patch to show off your Ducati spirit and make your membership in this special family official.



Experiences dedicated to D.O.C.

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the history of Ducati and visit the factory where the Reds are built, enjoying the Borgo Panigale Experience.

Borgo Panigale Experience is a unique experience that a D.O.C. member can experience for free by booking your visit online at

By presenting the D.O.C. card or the club section on your MyDucati APP for offline verification you can make purchases at the Factory Store and Bookshop with a 15% discount on apparel, spare parts and accessories.

Other experiences dedicated to D.O.C.

Being part of a Ducati Official Club also gives you the chance to take part in some experiences dedicated to members, such as visits to the Ducati Lenovo Team and Racing - Ducati team pits, with dinner in the hospitality area, during the European MotoGP and World SBK races.

Special activities are also organised every year, such as watching the last race of the MotoGP 2022 Championship at our Borgo Panigale headquarters, or the exclusive visit to the Ducati Corse department.


D.O.C. in the Ducati World

D.O.C. members can take advantage of numerous great deals to fully enjoy their experience in the world of Ducati Official Clubs.

For this reason, Ducati has come up with some benefits that can increase the passion even more: 

  • DRE Racetrack Academy: -10% on all courses, with the exception of the One to One (subject to availability)
  • DRE Track Warm Up: -10% discount on the total price of the course (subject to availability)
  • DRE Road Academy -10% discount on the total price of the course (subject to availability)
  • DRE Adventure Academy: -10% discount on the total price of the course (subject to availability)
  • DRE Travel Adventures: -10% discount on the total experience price (subject to availability)
  • Days of Joy Scrambler: -10% discount on the total experience price (subject to availability)
  • World Ducati Week: entrance ticket at a reduced rate

Additional discounts at affiliated partners, trade fairs and sector events. For more information and all the detailes ask to the President of your D.O.C.

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